Ck's Blog in Chinese

For chinese version, please visit blog at the link below:-

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Synchronise Google Reader with NewsGator’s FeedDemon

I always hope to get a desktop based RSS Reader that allowed me to read RSS offline and also without the need to open internet browser, and also and proper a.k.a. professional look when I am working in the office.

Finally, NewsGator’s RSS Readers work with Google Reader now. As a loyal Google’s supporter, I have downloaded the latest FeedDemon (pre-release beta version)..

The web-based Google Reader enable reading feeds through your web browser. Since the feed subscriptions are stored online, you can access them from any computer - making them a nice solution for those who use multiple systems. The downside is that being browser-based, they're not as feature rich or as responsive as a desktop application like FeedDemon.

Below are some screenshots of the reader.:



Google RSS Reader


More info, visit the following link

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Introducing reference manager

Creating a complete bibliographic list is essential for academic research, so that we know the reference sources we used and in the future we can retrieve the information easily and ease the thesis / journal writing process. Unlike undergraduate study, whereby we have to type the reference list ourselves and always have to make sure we prepare in a proper format.

instead, we have bibliographic software that help us. however, i still recommend undergraduate students record reference list yourself, so that you familiar with the reference format.

The pictures below show the power of bibliographic software like reference manager (RM). Another kind of software is Endnote, in which I think it’s more like mac interface.

First, logon to web of knowledge (optional).


The following is interface of RM


Type a keyword in web of knowledge



Searched result (list of journals) from web of knowledge


Click the link below (at the end), and export journal to RM


Select bibliographic software we are using, i.e. RM or EndNote


imported referece, and save in database


generate reference list to MS Word


Here you go, the reference generated by RM, and you can select the output style you prefer, i.e. harvard, apa, etc


Sunday, July 26, 2009

People & Planet - Green League 2009 - The Tables

I have published Green League 2008 in previous post, and the latest 2009 league table released recently. Unfortunately, Glasgow’s position dropped to 21th. Hope the uni will focus on environmental issue as well, other than academic & research qualities.

Here, I only list down Uni that awarded with first & second upper class positions. For more results, feel free to visit the link below:-




People & Planet - Green League 2009 - The Tables

Friday, July 24, 2009

PHD Comics: Great Tweets of Science

Click the following link and read the comic..Very funny!

PHD Comics: Great Tweets of Science

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Silent outrage at Teoh's funeral

Silent outrage at Teoh's funeral from Indrani Kopal on Vimeo.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

JUSTICE For Beng Hock Petition

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the online petition:

"JUSTICE For Beng Hock"

hosted on the web by, the free online petition
service, at:

I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might
agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider
signing yourself.

Best wishes,


Google RSS Reader

I love RSS, especially Google reader. It helps me to gather all info in one place, and it keeps me update with latest info from all the news, journals, blogs I subscribed. 

I have total 168 subscriptions for the moment, in which 55 for blogs, 34 for news, 65 for journals, 8 for careers, and others on general issues.


Are Socialists Happier Than Capitalists?


ScienceDaily (2009-06-09) -- Do economic concerns outweigh political reforms in their impact on subjective well-being? A new study finds that overall well-being initially plummeted in countries directly affected by the fall of the Iron Curtain, driven by a decline in satisfaction with work life and family life. The research expands our understanding of the correlation between happiness and democracy.


University of Southern California (2009, June 9). Are Socialists Happier Than Capitalists?. ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 21, 2009, from

Friday, July 17, 2009

recent updates in July& Mood graph

hmm, just a review on what I have done last month and also current tasks involved.

Refer back to tasks in June as follow:

Protocols construct

Officially no, unofficially yes. Basically, I managed to sort all protocols involved, except transpiration rate measurement that extremely hard to optimise and creates many noise data. PhD student in my lab spent 1 year on it and only managed to get some results. Anyway, this will not cause great impact on me, as I have decided no to include these data set.

Quite happy I managed to establish a florescent protocol:-

The picture below showed green fluorescent of broad bean’s guard cells due to in vivo H2O2 synthesis, monitored under confocal laser microscope.


Paper evaluation exercise-uv stress

Grade out, as expected an “A” in this assessment, and according to course tutor, most probably I will become the first student in the department who obtain “distinction” grade.

Research dissertation

Just submitted first draft to my prof. Still have 50 % of bench works to be completed. Anyway, I have scheduled all the bench works and paper works to be accomplished by end of July.

Bean's stomata measurements

Officially completed. We got nice findings, almost finish the manuscript, will be published in a high impact journal. Anyway, due to the “kepo”/ “busybody” nature of a scientist, I have decided to do some further characterisation on the signalling of broad bean and compare with model plant, Arabidopsis.


Received several emails from international students, mostly Asian. Some interested in biomedic, but not in Plant Science. Anyway, I shared some experiences as a bioscience postgraduate here. Well, most of them concern about career prospect in the UK. Actually, it’s uncertain recently, anyway this is depends on your commitment to look for any opportunity available.

New tasks:

Some new tasks involved are:

--NO signalling project, just formed the research team and I will begin some experiments this weekend. Findings will be published

--manuscript preparation, was invited to submit a manuscript on my previous research to journal. Even though, not publish in a good journal, but every little helps..

--international welcome team, joined as a volunteer and will meet new student in September.

--feature articles—career and development in research & academia+ learning experience in the UK

Future Prospect

Unofficially, some friends may know my next destination. Anyway T.B.A.

Mood Graphs

A review on previous and current mood, haha--(click to enlarge, if curious..haha)

Lastly, my recent look..wakaka..:-p


1.02 Billion People Hungry: One Sixth Of Humanity Undernourished, More Than Ever Before

World hunger is projected to reach a historic high in 2009 with 1,020 million people going hungry every day, according to new estimates published by United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

1.02 Billion People Hungry: One Sixth Of Humanity Undernourished, More Than Ever Before


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2009, June 20). 1.02 Billion People Hungry: One Sixth Of Humanity Undernourished, More Than Ever Before. ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 20, 2009, from­ /releases/2009/06/090619121443.htm

Again, another great task for ck lim.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

CK’s research-stomatal bioassay

Due to time constraint, I will share with you guys what kind of research I am doing

At first, prepare a chamber (a glass slide) and stick the epidermal peels later on

Peeled of abaxial (bottom part of leaf) epidermis and placed on chamber, later loaded with buffer.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Good bye gathering

Another gathering with fellow flatmates, but this time not to celebrate birthday, instead we had a farewell to our flatmates—chan, who will move out and hye—who will goes back to Bangladesh.

everyone busy with their works


I have prepared black pepper chicken and salmon fish porridge. Pictures are show as follow:-


carrots, recipe mix, salmon fillet, egg, onion, garlic,and potato




deep fry onion, to serve with porridge later


here you go

fry fish, before added into porridge


mixed all the ingredients


So, 2 meals I prepared were:

Salmon fish porridge—on the left:


Black pepper chicken


Finally, food prepared by all the flatmates were


1. Lamb chop served with greens

2. Black pepper chicken

3. Salmon fish porridge

4. Chicken curry

5. Stir fry mixtures of potatoes, cabbages, chillies and onions

6. Boiled rice

7. Spaghetti

8. Chips

9. Grilled fish

10. Deep fry onion and garlic

11. Steamed vege

12. Thai’s style sauce

13. Orange juice

14. Pepsi

15. Orange flavoured soft drink

16. Pepper

17. Maggi chilli sauce, from Malaysia

18. Soy sauce

19. Pineapple

20. Cheese cake

Video clips will share with you guys in the future

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

visit to York Uni

In April this year, I went to one of the top uni in the UK, York Uni. Travelled to York by train, and took 3 hours.


on the way walked to train station, took 30min.


near Glasgow city centre


outside view of Glasgow train station


in the train station

video of train station:-


on the train, no bad. got wifi and catering facilities.


reached York train station


York train station


York train station


Maps to York uni, essential guide


School of Biology of York Uni

Lastly, the following pictures show some buildings in York, but I not sure what are the exact names of these buildings.





York Uni has a big area and big campuses in comparison to Glasgow Uni. I saw many ponds and ducks here. Interestingly, ducks in the uni also quite smart. why? simply because it knew how to cross the road through zebra line. This was so impressive..haha..unfortunately, I didn’t catch this funny moment

Accom at glasgow uni

A post to share my flat, so that when prospective students come to my blog can have some ideas about the condition of postgrad. self-catered flat, KS. Pictures were taken ages ago,,, :-)

accom DSCN5271

DSCN5265 DSCN5266



living area







Monday, July 6, 2009

Graduate Junction Poster Competition

As a member of this network (you can sign up for free!), I wish to invite all postgrad/RA to participate in this competition. It’s always  great to share your work with others, and gain early exposures in your early science career. For info, feel free to visit the following link:-

The research network for all Masters, PhD and Postdoctoral researchers



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