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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Food security: The Future of Food and Farming


With reference to the information from the respective website:

This report provide an overview of the evidence and discuss the challenges and choices for policy makers and others whose interests relate to all aspects of the global food system.

This report is intended for:
Policy makers and a wide range of professionals and researchers whose interests relate to all aspects
of the global food system: including governance at all scales, food production and processing, the
supply chain, and also consumer attitudes and demand. It is also relevant to policy makers and others
with an interest in areas that interact with the food system, for example: climate change mitigation,
energy and water competition, and land use.

Foresight. The Future of Food and Farming (2011)
Final Project Report.
The Government Office for Science, London.

I have downloaded a copy to Kindle, would be nice to read what are the strategies proposed to overcome the food security issue in the future.

Other info:
Genetically modified crops are the key to human survival, says UK's chief scientist | Environment | The Observer -

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