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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

impact of climate change on the world's food security

Recent study a group of researcher in the US showed that higher temperature could cause problem on food security. Estimated 50% world's population could face food crisis by 2010.

Higher temperatures could decrease the productivity of major food crops like rice, maize by 20-40%

The estimation was made based on temperature stress alone, and this doesn’t take account into other stresses like salinity, drought, etc.

Again, developments of crop plants that have better adaptability are crucial.

For more info, visit the reference given below.

University of Washington (2009, January 8). Half Of World's Population Could Face Climate-induced Food Crisis By 2100. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 8, 2009, from­ /releases/2009/01/090108144745.htm

Heat may spark world food crisis

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