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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Career interrupted : Article : Nature Biotechnology

A great article from Nature Biotechnology. This article is about an interview between the author, Mari Paul and Chanie Schwartz, a wealth manager for several pharma and biotech executives.

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Career interrupted : Article : Nature Biotechnology

I aware some people might not have access to this article, so i list down nice points from this paper:-

Round one: a proactive career plan

“First, realistically anticipate your future. Is the status of your group, and your place in your group, growing or declining in the company? Look for opportunities and put in the hours to take on new skills and responsibilities to grow both your value to the company and your résumé.

Second, revisit your dreams and passion. Determine what your next growth step is, using a career counselor if you can, and develop your action plan to achieve it. If possible, map out in advance your first full-time week of career creation as well as your personal goals for an anticipated six months of downtime. Now is the time to start writing the résumé you will need.

Finally, work on your networking and visibility, focusing in particular on your next career step. Take all conference, speaking and writing invitations possible and attend as many seminars as your employer will sanction. There are a whole group of additional supporters of your future you have yet to meet.”

Round two: a proactive financial plan

“a comprehensive financial plan that incorporates information about income, employer stock holdings and other investments, and financial obligations—all in the context of your current requirements and your long-term financial and personal goals. This process often includes closely reviewing benefits and cash flow, evaluating an expected severance package and determining whether early retirement may be an option.”

Round three: the winner's edge

“A great career that you can be passionate about is worth every effort. It's about a great journey more than the goal. Passion places money secondary to satisfaction, and Chanie and I agree that this game is about a lot more than money. The real win is the many rewards you get from using your natural gifts.

You can do some simple things that remind you of your self worth, such as crafting a personal statement of how you believe in yourself or making it a point to surround yourself with people who believe in you. And keep your winner's edge by reminding yourself that you have many talents that a business needs, and of the tremendous value that your passion, experience and knowledge provide to your industry.”


Mari Paul

Nature Biotechnology 27, 577 (2009)

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