Ck's Blog in Chinese

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Monday, December 1, 2008

thank you "ong man"

haha, so happy, I just received a postcard from my friend who is doing her exchange programme in the Germany. Really appreciate it, and also want to say "thank you " or danke (german) for the birthday greeting as well..

Ong Man (nickname), is my friend since we're in the primary school (know each other about 12yrs)

Thank you friend...wish you all the best too..keep in touch..

last but not least, need to "lan si" and show off a bit

Germany-Vielen Dank fuer die Karte, ich habe mich sehr gefreut und bin so gluecklich darueber.
English-Thank you for the card, I was very pleased and am so happy about it.


Hurley said...

need to censor or not? secretive la. Like it's something illegal =)

cklim said...

haha. purposely do increase ppl's curiousity.hehe..


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