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Friday, April 30, 2010

RSS Feeds Reading List-Apr10

To cultivate reading culture through web-based materials (as I know not everyone likes to read books or afford to buy books), Therefore, I have decided to share some worth reading articles every month (end of each month, 5 articles per month, both Chinese and English languages) from my RSS feeds.

I think spending some time on reading is better than wasting too much time kepoing on facebook etc.

For April:

科学网-舒佰坡的博客-爱情 -

Misinformation about antibiotics can travel to large audience via Twitter -

從關燈日談起──“Earth Hour”‧當然不只那一小時 | 星洲日報 -

Number of crimes involving Facebook 'leaps 346 per cent in a year' | Mail Online -

科学网-李鑫的博客-如何在科研过程中保持良好的心态 -

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